The American Revolution

Important People of the American Revolution

King George III- King George III was the ruler of Great Britain from 1760-1820. He was a true hero to all those in Great Britain. To all those people in the colonies, he was not a hero, but an evil tyrant. Now, people in Great Britain think that everything that is said about King George III is untrue. They will say that he was a great man and did nothing wrong. He was and still is a hero to them.


Benjamin Franklin- Benjamin Franklin, Pennsylvania agent and deputy postmaster general in North America, initially supported the Stamp Act of 1765, by which Parliament levied a new tax on British colonies.

John Adams

 Sending a peace mission to France brought the full fury of the Hamiltonians against John Adams.

Nathanial Greene

Nathanial Greene played an important role in the south battle as a general. His strategy was to wear down the british army by marching a vry long distance through the forest and swamps. Nathanial Greene also said "you don't need to win a bttle to win the war."

Benedict Arnold
